Quality and Difference Explanation
We solemnly promise that all luxury goods sold are carefully purchased in China. Every item has undergone strict screening and inspection before entering the sales channel, and the quality is absolutely guaranteed. However, it should be made clear that due to the production of luxury goods involving different factories and different regions, even under the control of the same brand, different production batches and processes may lead to subtle differences. This is not a quality issue but a normal phenomenon in the production process. Therefore, when you receive the goods, please take the actual goods as the standard, carefully check its quality, details and characteristics. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at any time.
Limitations of Pictures and Descriptions
The pictures and descriptions of goods are to enable you to understand the product as comprehensively as possible before purchasing, but they are only for reference. In the actual shooting process, although we strive to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of the pictures, due to factors such as shooting angles, lighting conditions, and display differences of different devices, there may be a certain color difference from the actual goods. At the same time, the text description is also difficult to fully cover every detail of the goods, and there may be differences in some details from the actual goods. We will do our best to provide accurate information, but we cannot completely exclude the errors caused by these uncontrollable factors. Therefore, when purchasing, please maintain a rational expectation and do not rely solely on pictures and descriptions, but take the actually received goods as the final judgment basis.
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